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Take the next step in your career and get SHRM Certified

SHRM Education available to anyone interested in getting certified!

ASHRM has a long-standing practice of supporting chapter and community members to pursue or maintain certification. Since 2015, ASHRM offers certification preparation classes for the SHRM Certifications, SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP. Prior to this, ASHRM offered certification preparation classes for the Human Resources Certification Institute’s (HRCI) PHR/SPHR certifications.  ASHRM supports both certifications and will continue to offer re-certification opportunities for both so that members can maintain their certifications. 

The goals of the SHRM Certification

  • For HR professionals, to reaffirm the importance of acquiring both the competencies and knowledge essential for successful job performance;
  • For employers, to provide reliable indicators of proficiency in these critical dual aspects of modern HR practice.

By incorporating key HR competencies into the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP, SHRM is enhancing the relevance of the new certifications. SHRM’s new credentials demonstrate to the global business community that the credential holder has strong capabilities in both aspects of HR practice—competency and knowledge—that are required for effective job performance.

For more information regarding educational opportunities to help you certify or re-certify, contact ASHRM’s Education & Certification Director.

Certification and Re-certification


For those professionals wanting to try a different approach to preparing for their exams, ASHRM is proud and excited to offer professional study sessions. These study sessions, facilitated by  Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from our own ASHRM membership, have become valuable for a multitude of reasons including their high pass rate, fabulous networking opportunities and the informal, comfortable participation enjoyed by participants.


ASHRM is dedicated to helping you recertify by offering various presentations with pre-approved certification credit.

  • Our monthly luncheons and other, low-cost training opportunities are pre-approved for SHRM and HRCI credit!

Professional Study Sessions for SHRM Certification

Our Education & Certification Committee works cooperatively together to offer two different four-month sessions for each SHRM testing window. This is eight months of learning each year!

Using the SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (SHRM BaSK™), SHRM Learning System as their guide, SMEs offer two-hour study sessions each week during the four-month period. A study session schedule for each four-month session is prepared in advance for your review. As you can see from this schedule, ASHRM is serious about your preparation; these study groups are not for the faint at heart!

The SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (SHRM BaSK™), Learning System includes five modules:

  • HR Competencies
  • People
  • Organization
  • Workplace
  • Strategy

For more information about the SHRM Certification, visit:

In addition to reviewing all the material found in these modules, ASHRM offers instruction and guidance on issues such as:

  • Adult Learning Styles;
  • Testing Anxiety; and
  • Study and Testing Strategies.

With the help of many fabulous volunteers, they are able to present “subject specific” material and discussion for each competency as well as facilitate small, personal “boot camps” for those individuals wanting to “turn up” their studying a notch or two. Participants can refer to the schedule for more information about the boot camp schedule and commitment.

Classes are advertised on the Events Page typically Jan-Feb and July-August, with all applicable registration and class details.

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