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SHRM Foundation Student Scholarship Program

More than $25,000 will be awarded in scholarships for graduate and undergraduate education, as well as the Assurance of Learning exam.

SHRM Foundation Dissertation Awards

In partnership with the HR Division of the Academy of Management, the Foundation presents four $5000 awards each year to support the dissertation research of promising doctoral candidates.

Michael R. Losey Human Resource Research Award

This premier $50,000 award from the Michael R. Losey endowment fund recognizes significant research contributions that impact the human resource management field.

For more information about these awards, visit the SHRM Foundation.

Alaska SHRM State Council Certification Preparation Scholarship

Alaska SHRM State Council offers a Certification Preparation scholarship. The deadline is November 1 and the information can be found at

To be eligible to apply, an HR professional must be a first-time master's student seeking a degree in HR and must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) be a member of SHRM or 2) hold a professional certification (e.g., PHR, SPHR or GPHR certification) from the HR Certification Institute.

  • HRM Impact Awards
    Organizations with successful, evidence-based HR management practices are invited to submit applications for the HRM Impact Award. Winners will be selected based on their HR practices and initiatives that have been measured and deemed successful through evidence-based, data-driven analyses. They will receive a plaque and media exposure highlighting their winning practices or initiatives.

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